Sunday, April 15, 2012

Diabetes Dramatically Improved-Pat Dittilo Shares in an Email

I received this Email from Pat Dittilo last week and she has agreed to share this with all of my readers. She said would like to encourage as many as possible. Here is what she shared:

Dr. Myers,

Hope you are doing well in your new position. I wanted to give you an update on my status since you and I have talked several times about the surgery and diabetes. I had a robot assisted gastric bypass by you in October of 2010, about 18 months ago. I was your 13th or 14th robotic case. I had type 2 diabetes diagnosed about 5 years before my operation and was on oral medicine as well as 10 micrograms of Byetta that I had to inject three times a day in addition to injecting 105 units of long acting insulin twice a day.

You may remember that my diabetes was out of control – my A1C was 11.7 and while I haven’t had it tested recently, my last A1C was 7.1 six months ago, (i will be having it checked again soon). I wanted to let you know that my sugar level yesterday and today were 94 and 89 and I am not taking any diabetic medication. I am so pleased and happy about my decision to have the surgery and even more pleased that you were here to do that for me. I have maintained my weight at 138 for over a year and I feel awesome. In addition to not taking any medication for my diabetes, I also no longer take medication for my blood pressure like I was before and my sleep apnea is completely gone. I’m 55 (almost 56) and I feel like a kid again. I have more confidence than I’ve ever had in my life.

It’s funny that so many people are more aware of the results of the surgery for those who have diabetes and the media attention it’s getting. Almost weekly I see something in the news about how people with diabetes are no longer dependant on insulin or completely cured. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to wake up every day and not think about having to take those shots. I can eat without worrying about injecting the Byetta 30-60 minutes before I eat and how it made me sick to my stomach sometimes.

Thank you again for everything you did for me – I never thought I would feel so good again. Living my life without drugs and machines is a blessing, not to mention going from a size 18-20 to an 8-10!

God Bless you and your family. You are truly an Angel in many people’s lives.

Pat Dattilo


  1. Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you.

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  2. Obesity is a serious problem in the society today. As an obese person, I don't know exactly what to do and where to start to fight this excess weight that I have for many years now. Searching over the internet helps me a lot to gather helpful tips and advice. Oh! by the way, have you heared something about the Roca Labs Formula? I have visited this site - and there are many possitive effect to the users. I hope that this could be a permanent solution for obesity.

  3. I am using the Roca Labs Formula too since my Dr. Ross told me that I have to lose weight to help me manage my diabetes. And so with the Roca Labs Formula, I lost 30 lbs in 3 months and my blood sugar levels went down to 150mg/dl from my previous 312mg/dl reading... I also incorporated jogging as my form of exercise to aid me on my weight loss journey.

  4. Thank you for that helpful site about Roca Labs Formula.. I shall read on it and hopefully this product will work on me as well...

  5. I just received the results from my latest bloodwork - my A1C is 5.7 - that's down from 11.9 before my surgery 10/2010. I could not be happier - thank you DR. MYERS! For those with diabetes and considering bypass surgery - I can honestly (and Dr. Myers) saved my life. I feel great!

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